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It's Uplift Talk Monday!

You're an incredible human being. You are amazing... Your smile, Your beautiful heart, Your unique energy and essence all tie to what makes you undeniably YOU... Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Please pick yourself up from that heartbreak. LET IT GO. That divorce or breakup is not the totality of who you are. It's only a chapter in the book of your your life's journey. I can tell you one thing because I have been where you are right now. All I’m saying is, that breakup or divorce is for YOU. It happened so you could find yourself. It's for your character and life's development and Moreso to push you far beyond your comfort zone. You will be ok. This too shall pass. Your story is not over. The best is yet to come... Remember there's only you. In other words, you have no duplicate. Just take a moment and think about that. Now let the realization of this dope fact blow your mind and reassure you of God's blessed assurance for tomorrow. Let it strongly affirm you more than ever that you're absolutely VALUABLE.

XoXo 🖤