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Know your worth. Stand in your power. You have every right to stand up for what you desire. You have the right to step into your power and call forth your desires. Stop settling and chasing after everything and anything that crosses your path. Whether it be a relationship, job or career. Calm down and start recognizing that you can have and be anything you want. You are a force all by yourself. Don't stand in your own way girl. Don't be your own enemy by telling yourself lies. Stop letting those voices in your head lie to you. Think and see yourself as though you are already all that... And therefore you are. Allow that divine light within you draw your desires to you effortlessly. Tap into your most expressive form of self creative ideas which gives radiance. That glow will be undeniable to all. No need to prove yourself. It speaks for itself. Knowing this fact is key. Embrace the light and uniqueness within you. Create the life you want. The canvas is in front of you. Pick up your brush and paint. Bring that vision to reality... Paint. Create. BE YOU.